Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance

May 26, 2020

Schedule of applications for Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance

The details of the Canadian Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) program have now been agreed between the federal and provincial and territorial governments.

In order to handle the anticipated number of applications as efficiently as possible, the submission dates have been organized by province/territory and number of tenants:

  • Monday May 25: Property owners in Atlantic Canada, British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec, with up to 10 tenants who are eligible for the program.
  • Tuesday, May 26: Property owners in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and the Territories, with up to 10 tenants who are eligible for the program.
  • Wednesday, May 27: All other property owners in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and the Territories.
  • Thursday, May 28: All other property owners in Atlantic Canada, British Columbia, Alberta, and Quebec.
  • Friday, May 29: All property owners across Canada.
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The program will be delivered in partnership with provincial and territorial governments and will provide forgivable loans to landlords of 50% of monthly rent, with the expectation that landlords and tenants will each contribute 25%.

The program applies to April and May (retroactive), and June rent.
CECRA is available for small businesses paying less than $50,000 per month in gross rent, with annual consolidated revenues of less than $2 million, and that have experienced at least a 70% drop in pre-COVID-19 revenues. Non-profit and charitable organizations are also eligible for CECRA.

Applications must be made through eligible property owners, not through the tenants.  Applicants should visit the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) website.