Video: Your Vaccination Policy – What to Consider

August 27, 2021

Many clients have asked me about what things they should consider when developing a vaccination policy. On Wednesday, August 11, I conducted a seminar on the topic for the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) along with Kirstin Grant, Director of People & Wellness for the Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario Division, and moderator Sarah Matsushita of the ONN.

The video below covers the major points of that seminar as well as some of the most commonly asked questions employers have about Vaccination Policies. It is updated with answers to questions that have arisen since August 11 as the Ontario government has made new announcements.

The information in the webinar is useful to all businesses and organizations in Ontario – commercial and nonprofit.

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Questions answered include:

  • If an employer cannot force staff to get vaccinated, then why have a vaccination policy?
  • Can different job roles be treated differently? For instance, front-line workers need to be in the office. Not as true for management/admin employees.
  • Should/can a policy include volunteers, clients and visitors to the workplace?
  • Can an employer impose masks for those who do not want to be vaccinated included the distancing from other persons they may work with?
  • Are there or should there be requirements to conduct contract tracing for anyone coming into the workplace?
  • Can you require an unvaccinated employee to get regular COVID testing?
  • Does the employer have to incur the cost of the test?
  • How would requiring additional PPE, that will easily identify the staff person as non-vaccinated, not be a potential violation of an employee’s privacy and therefore their human rights?
  • How do you deal with employees who don’t want to work with someone in the workplace who has not been vaccinated?
  • If we accommodate unvaccinated employees by letting them work from home, how do we make sure other vaccinated employees don’t say they’re unvaccinated in order to continue working from home?
  • Can an employer disclose to a third party if an employee has been vaccinated?
  • In our recruiting and job posting can we require applicants to be double vaccinated?
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