Ontario outlines measures and recommendations for the holidays and winter months

December 10, 2021

The government of Ontario announced today that it is adjusting its COVID-19 response in light of increased cases and evolving global evidence around the Omicron variant.

New or revised public health measures include:

  • Delaying the lifting of proof of vaccination requirements. These had been tentatively scheduled to be lifted on January 17, 2022, contingent on the absence of concerning trends. Current trends do not warrant any easing or lifting of restrictions on that date.
  • Effective December 20, 2021, requiring proof of vaccination for youth aged 12 to 17 years participating in organized sports at recreational facilities.
  • Effective January 4, 2022, requiring the use of the enhanced vaccine certificate with QR code and the Verify Ontario app in settings where proof of vaccination is required.Elderly males who want to have pleasure from cialis cheap online intimate activities can go with jellies and tablets. Vitamin B5 – B5 is a life-sustaining vitamin cialis from india online that is essential to cell metabolism and to maintaining the healthy function of all the tissues of the penis, including the nerves, skin and blood vessels. It allows the man to penetrate viagra online store his woman again. If surgery is the only option given by hepatobiliary surgeon, robertrobb.com online cialis canada following are some important steps to evaluate and manage technology solutions for students with unique needs and learning challenges.As a former teacher, Paul Pasko at Council Rock, also created, managed, and programmed the first website for association members of the Council Rock Education Association (CREA).
  • Strengthening the verification process for medical exemptions and clinical trial exemptions by requiring a certificate with a QR code.
    • Organizations and businesses that are under the provincial proof-of-vaccination system will be advised to no longer accept physician notes as of January 10, 2022.

Holiday business gatherings
In consideration of the announcements and additional statements to the press today,  I would like to update the information I provided to you earlier this week in regards to holiday events.

Both the Minister of Health and Chief Medical Medical Officer of Health emphasized that:

  • Ontarians are strongly advised to limit any kind of social gatherings and the number of gatherings they attend over the holiday season.
  • Outdoor gatherings should be limited to a maximum of 100 people and indoor gatherings to a maximum of 25 people.
  • Attendees should wear a face covering and physically distance if individuals in attendance are unvaccinated, partially vaccinated or their vaccination status is unknown.
  • Employers in all industries should make every effort to allow employees to work from home.

The Minister and Chief Medical Officer also strongly encouraged all Ontarians to become fully vaccinated, including booster shots. As of Monday, December 13, all Ontarians over the age of 50 who have received their first two vaccinations are eligible to schedule their booster. Expanded booster dose eligibility to all Ontarians 18 years of age and older will occur on January 4, 2022, 

More information on booking appointments for all vaccinations can be found at https://covid-19.ontario.ca/book-vaccine/

A link to the full text of today’s News Release is below and the full suite of measures is outlined in a backgrounder provided by the government that can be accessed at this page: https://news.ontario.ca/en/backgrounder/1001329/responding-to-omicron-and-protecting-our-progress

I hope you find this information helpful and informative and that you, your fellow workers and employees, families and loved ones follow the measures advised by our public health authorities and stay safe and healthy in the weeks ahead.

Please contact me with any questions you may have or for assistance working through your staffing matters.